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Resin solution flammable
UN Proper Shipping Name (Description) Class (Sub Hazard) Hazard Label(s) PG Passenger and Cargo Aircraft Cargo Aircraft Only SP ERG Code
EQ Ltd Qty Pkg Inst Max Net Qty/Pkg Pkg Inst Max Net Qty/Pkg
Pkg Inst Max Net Qty/Pkg
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M) (N)
UN1866 Resin solution flammable 3 Flammable Liquid II E2 Y341 1 L 353 5 L 364 60 L A3 3L
Column Name # Column Name
UN (A) UN1866
Proper Shipping Name (description) (B) Resin solution flammable
Class (Sub Risk) (C) 3
Hazard Label (D) Flammable Liquid
Packing Group (E) II
Pass and Cargo Aircraft - Excepted Quantity (F) E2
Pass and Cargo Aircraft - Ltd Qty - Pkg Inst (G) Y341
Pass and Cargo Aircraft - Ltd Qty - Max Net Qty/Pkg (H) 1 L
Pass and Cargo Aircraft - Pkg Inst (I) 353
Pass and Cargo Aircraft - Max Net Qty/Pkg (J) 5 L
Cargo Aircraft Only - Pkg Inst (K) 364
Cargo Aircraft Only - Max Net Qty/Pkg (L) 60 L
Special Provision (M) A3
ERG Code (N) 3L
IATA Dangerous Goods Advisor — 2025 IATA, 66th Edition
Column A: - UNID UN1866 [Hide]
UN or ID (identification) number—Contains the serial number assigned to the article or substance under the United Nations classification system. When this number is used, it must be prefixed by the letters “UN”. If the substance has not been assigned a number in the UN classification system, a temporary identification number in the 8000 series has been assigned and is indicated where appropriate. Numbers in the 8000 series must be identified with the “ID” prefix instead of when UN is indicated for markings and documentation in these Regulations. For example, the number would appear as UN 1950 or ID 8000 and not as 1950 or 8000.
Column B: - Proper Shipping Name (description) Resin solution flammable [Hide]
Proper Shipping Name/Description—Contains an alphabetical listing of dangerous goods articles and substances identified by their proper shipping names together with qualifying descriptive text. The proper shipping name is shown in bold (dark) type whereas the descriptive text is shown in light type. See 8.1.3 for additional information concerning proper shipping names.
Also included, in light type, are:
  1. other names by which certain articles and substances may be known; in such cases a cross-reference to the proper shipping name is given;
  2. names of articles and substances which are forbidden for carriage by air under any circumstances;
  3. names of articles and substances which are subject to additional considerations under special provisions; and
  4. names of substances and articles, which are considered to be not restricted.
The following symbols appear against some of the entries in this column:
★—Addition of technical or chemical group name(s) required. See
†—Additional information can be found in Appendix A.
The “★” and “†” symbols are not part of the proper shipping name.
Names are given in strict alphabetical order of the proper shipping name appearing in bold print, i.e. where names comprise more than one word, they are alphabetized as if they were a single word. However, the following components of the names have been ignored:
  • numerals;
  • the single letters a-, b-, m-, N-, n-, O-, o-, p-;
  • the prefixes alpha-, beta-, meta-, omega-, sec-, tert-;
  • the term “n.o.s.”.
Unless otherwise indicated for an entry in the List of Dangerous Goods, the word “ solution” in a proper shipping name means one or more named dangerous goods dissolved in a liquid that is not otherwise subject to these Regulations.
Column C: - Class (Sub Risk) 3 [Hide]
Class 3
Flammable Liquids
Class or Division (Subsidiary hazard)—Contains the class or division number assigned to the article or substance according to the classification system described in Section 3. In the case of Class 1 Explosives, the compatibility group is also shown. Where the substance has a subsidiary hazard(s) the class or division number, which have been identified by applying the classification criteria in Section 3 is shown in parentheses following the primary hazard. All subsidiary hazards are listed in numerical order.
Column D: - Hazard Label(s) Flammable Liquid [Hide]
Labels—Contains the hazard label(s) to be applied to the outside of each package and overpack for the commodity shown in Column B. The primary hazard label is listed first followed by any subsidiary hazard label(s). For n.o.s. or generic articles and substances with more than one hazard, all applicable subsidiary hazard labels may not be indicated. In these cases, subsidiary hazard labels must be applied in accordance with, and In addition, handling labels for “Cryogenic liquid”, “Keep away from heat” and “Magnetized Material” and the mark for “Environmentally hazardous substance” are shown in this column against applicable articles and substances. See 7.1.5 for the application of additional marks and 7.2.4 for the application of handling labels.
Column E: - Packing Group II [Hide]
Packing Group II
Medium danger
Packing Group —Contains the UN Packing Group, i.e. I, II or III, where assigned to the substance (see 3.0.3).
Column F: - Passenger and Cargo Aircraft - Excepted Quantity E2 [Hide]
Excepted Quantity Code E2
EQ CodeMaximum net quantity perinner packagingMaximum net quantity perouter packaging
E230 g/30 mL500 g/500 mL
Excepted Quantity Code—Contains the Excepted Quantity code assigned to the substance or article by packing group (see and Table 2.6.A).
Column G: - Passenger and Cargo Aircraft - Ltd Qty - Pkg Inst Y341 [Hide]
Packing Instruction Y341
OPERATOR VARIATIONS: 4Y-01, 5X-01, AA-01, AM-03, AS-02, BW-01, CF-08, CX-02, DE-01, FX-02, FZ-05, GA-03, GF-04, HA-01, IR-06, JU-06, KC-11, KE-07, KQ-08, LD-02, LH-01, LX-02, MH-14, OS-01, OU-04, PX-10, SW-02, TN-04, UX-02, VT-01, WB-07, WY-01, X5-02, XK-03, XQ-01

This instruction applies to Limited Quantities of flammable liquids with no subsidiary hazard or a subsidiary hazard of Division 6.1 in Packing Group II.
The General Packing Requirements of Subsections 2.7.5, 5.0.2 to 5.0.4 (with the exception of,, and must be met except that the packagings do not have to meet the marking and testing requirements of 6.0.4 and Subsection 6.3. Packagings must meet the construction criteria specified in Subsections 6.1 and 6.2 and the test criteria specified in Subsection 6.6.
Compatibility Requirements
  • substances must be compatible with their packagings as required by
Closure Requirements
  • closures must meet the requirements of
Limited Quantity Requirements
The requirements of Subsection 2.7 must be met including:
  • the capability of the package to pass a drop test of 1.2 m;
  • a 24 hour stacking test;
  • inner packagings for liquids must be capable of passing a pressure differential test (;
  • the gross weight of the completed package must not exceed 30 kg.
Single packagings are not permitted.
Inner Packaging (see 6.1) Net quantity per inner packagingTotal net quantity per package
Glass0.5 L1.0 L
Metal0.5 L
Plastic0.5 L
Desc.SteelAlu­min­iumPlywoodFibrePlasticOther metalSteelAlu­min­iumPlasticSteelAlu­min­iumWoodPlywoodReconstituted woodFibreboardPlasticOther metal
Description: Refers to the relevant packing instructions listed in Section 5.
Column H: - Pass and Cargo Aircraft - Ltd Qty - Max Net Qty/Pkg 1 L [Hide]
Passenger and Cargo Aircraft Limited Quantity—Maximum Net Quantity per Package—Shows the maximum net quantity (weight or volume) of the article or substance allowed in each package for transport on a passenger or cargo aircraft. The weight quoted is the net weight, unless otherwise indicated by a letter G which refers to the gross weight. Factors for converting imperial or US units to SI units appear in Appendix B. The maximum quantity per package may be further limited by the type of container used (see Section 5). If the word Forbidden is shown, the article or substance cannot be carried under Limited Quantity provisions.
Where an article or substance is packed according to the packing instruction in Column G or I and is within the maximum net quantity shown in Column H or J it may also be carried on a cargo aircraft. In such circumstances the package must not bear the “Cargo Aircraft Only” label.
Column I: - Passenger and Cargo Aircraft - Pkg Inst 353 [Hide]
Packing Instruction 353
OPERATOR VARIATIONS: CX-02, FX-02, GA-06, IR-06, KZ-07, LD-02, WY-01

This instruction applies to flammable liquids without a subsidiary hazard in Packing Group II on passenger and cargo aircraft.
The General Packing Requirements of 5.0.2 must be met.
Compatibility Requirements
  • substances must be compatible with their packagings as required by
Closure Requirements
  • closures must meet the requirements of
Single packagings are not permitted.
Inner Packaging (see 6.1) Net quantity per inner packagingTotal net quantity per package
Glass1.0 L5.0 L
Metal5.0 L
Plastic5.0 L
Desc.SteelAlu­min­iumPlywoodFibrePlasticOther metalSteelAlu­min­iumPlasticSteelAlu­min­iumWoodPlywoodReconstituted woodFibreboardPlasticOther metal
Spec.1A1 1A21B1 1B21D1G1H1 1H21N1 1N23A1 3A23B1 3B23H1 3H24A4B4C1 4C24D4F4G4H1 4H24N
Description: Refers to the relevant packing instructions listed in Section 5.
Column J: - Passenger and Cargo Aircraft - Max Net Qty/Pkg 5 L [Hide]
Passenger and Cargo Aircraft—Maximum Net Quantity per Package—Shows the maximum net quantity ( weight or volume) of the article or substance allowed in each package for transport on a passenger or cargo aircraft. Factors for converting imperial or US units to SI units appear in Appendix B. The maximum quantity per package may be further limited by the type of container used (see Section 5). The maximum net quantities indicated may be exceeded only if specified in these Regulations, or as permitted with the approval of the appropriate national authority of the State of Origin and the State of the Operator. If the word Forbidden is shown, the article cannot be carried on a passenger aircraft.
Where an article or substance is packed according to the packing instruction in Columns G or I and is within the maximum net quantity shown in Columns H or J it may also be carried on a cargo aircraft. In such circumstances the package must not bear the “Cargo Aircraft Only” label.
Column K: - Cargo Aircraft Only - Pkg Inst 364 [Hide]
Packing Instruction 364
OPERATOR VARIATIONS: 2K-10, 4C-11, 5X-01, 7L-04, AT-03, AV-10, AY-04, CA-10, CX-02/05, EX-10, FX-02, GU-10, IR-06, JJ-11, JL-09, KE-07, KZ-07, L7-11, LA-17, LD-02/05, LP-11, LR-10, LU-11, M3-11, M6-01, MK-12, NH-06, OZ-08, PZ-11, QT-09, SU-01, TA-10, TG-02, UC-11, WC-10, WY-01, XL-11
This instruction applies to flammable liquids with no subsidiary hazard or a subsidiary hazard of Division 6.1 in Packing Group II on Cargo Aircraft Only.
The General Packing Requirements of 5.0.2 must be met.
Compatibility Requirements
  • substances must be compatible with their packagings as required by;
Closure Requirements
  • closures must meet the requirements of
Additional Packing Requirements
  • UN 1308, Zirconium suspended in a flammable liquid, only combination packagings are permitted. The completed package must not have a gross weight exceeding 75 kg.
Combination and single packagings are permitted.
Inner Packaging (see 6.1) Net quantity per inner packagingTotal net quantity per package
Glass2.5 L60.0 L
Metal10.0 L
Plastic5.0 L
Desc.SteelAlu­min­iumPlywoodFibrePlasticOther metalSteelAlu­min­iumPlasticSteelAlu­min­iumWoodPlywoodReconstituted woodFibreboardPlasticOther metal
Spec.1A1 1A21B1 1B21D1G1H1 1H21N1 1N23A1 3A23B1 3B23H1 3H24A4B4C1 4C24D4F4G4H1 4H24N
Desc.SteelAlu­min­iumPlasticOther metalSteelAlu­min­iumPlastic 
Spec.1A11B11H11N13A13B13H1As permitted in
Description: Refers to the relevant packing instructions listed in Section 5.
Column L: - Cargo Aircraft Only - Max Net Qty/Pkg 60 L [Hide]
Cargo Aircraft Only—Maximum Net Quantity per Package—Shows the maximum net quantity (weight or volume) of the article or substance allowed in each package for transport on a cargo aircraft only. Factors for converting imperial or US units to SI units appear in Appendix B. The maximum quantity per package may be further limited by the type of container used (see Section 5). The maximum net quantities indicated may be exceeded only if specified in these Regulations, or as permitted with the approval of the appropriate national authority of the State of Origin and the State of the Operator. If the word Forbidden is shown, the article cannot be carried on any aircraft unless exempted by States under the provisions of 1.2.6.
The quantity limitations in Columns H, J and L apply only to the amount contained in one package, not in one consignment or aircraft. For example: in the List of Dangerous Goods the maximum net quantity per package of Acetyl chloride, UN 1717 is one litre per package on passenger aircraft. However, a passenger aircraft can carry as many one-litre packages of Acetyl chloride as may be necessary, unless further restricted by State or operator variations.
Column M: - Special Provision A3 [Hide]
Special Provision A3
(223) If the chemical or physical properties of a substance covered by this description are such that, when tested, it does not meet the established defining criteria for the class or division listed in Column C, or any other class or division, it is not subject to these Regulations.
[4.4 A3]
Special Provisions—May show a single, double or triple digit number preceded by the letter “A”, against appropriate entries in the List of Dangerous Goods. This alpha-numeric indicator relates to Subsection 4.4 and applies to all the packing groups permitted for the entry concerned, unless the wording of the special provision makes it otherwise apparent.
It must be carefully noted that Special Provisions “ A1” and “ A2” are, in effect, “approvals” which may be granted by States for the carriage of dangerous goods which are normally forbidden for carriage either on passenger aircraft or on cargo aircraft. These “approvals” are not regarded as “State Exemptions” as described in However, acceptance of dangerous goods under State approvals is at the discretion of the operator(s). Advance arrangements must be made and prior approval obtained before dangerous goods offered under “A1” or “A2” Special Provisions are presented to operators for transport. See also
Column N: - ERG Code 3L [Hide]
Number: Inherent Risk - Letter(s): Additional Risks (at least one, no more than two)
3 - Flammable
L - Low other risks
ERG Code—Emergency Response Drill Code as found in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) document “The Emergency Response Guidance for Aircraft Incidents Involving Dangerous Goods” (ICAO Doc. 9481-AN/928). The code consists of a combination of letters and numbers, which represents suggested responses to incidents involving the specific dangerous good entry to which the drill code is assigned.
The ERG Code is provided for the benefit of operators so that the ERG Code may be added to the Special Load—Notification to Captain (NOTOC).